Kristina Health Centre
Since 2012, Kristina Health Centre has given communities the opportunity to receive care in a clean, safe and qualified environment – something we believe everyone should have access to.
The KHC story.
Julius Achon had a dream to build a Medical Clinic in his village of Awake in honour of his mother Kristina who was shot and killed during the war in 2004. With the closest access to healthcare being 78kms away, there was a large need within the rural northern Uganda community – and thanks to AUCF and generous donors, the Kristina Health Centre (KHC) began construction in 2011.

KHC is providing essential healthcare, day-in, day-out.
Kristina Health Centre provides maternity services, primary medical care—including triage and appropriate treatment, disease testing, inoculation, medication dispensing and education.
Services at the clinic are in such demand that some patients travel 50km on foot to access care. We’ve responded to this need by establishing our outreach program, operating twice a week so that remote communities are able to simply and safely access the KHC services.

Some highlights so far
patients treated
hardworking local staff
babies born at the clinic
Growing facilities
maternity ward, patient ward, ambulance, outreach program and antenatal clinic
Meet our staff.
These are the highly-skilled, dedicated people who deliver care at the KHC.
Daniel Anyii
Senior Clinical Officer
Geoffrey Odyang
Clinical Officer - Maternity
Midwifery, nursing and lab staff
Stories from our patients
Juspin Okii
Juspin is 9 years old and attends Amori Primary School. On 21 January, she was bitten by a snake on her lower leg however the venom soon spread right up to her knee. Her whole leg had swollen and the lower leg had started to rot. Her father, Patrick, immediately took her to their local medical centre where she received very poor treatment and the wound only became worse. After one week, Patrick (a peasant farmer) decided to hire a boda to take them the 29kms from their village to KHC where he knew they would receive proper treatment. He paid 25,000 shillings for the return ride ($1 AUD). After her initial treatment at KHC, Patrick immediately saw a change. They stayed at KHC for one month while she recovered.
When asked why he chose KHC, Patrick said: “The news had spread that KHC gives good services. I have seen a lot of people from my village come here. This is the first time I have been and I would come back because I have seen the services provided and they are good.”
Piona and her mother Santa
Santa brought her daughter, Piona, to KHC for her first immunisations. She walked one km from her home to KHC. Free immunisations are provided to the community every Wednesday. A few months later, Piona was brought back to KHC for her six month immunisations. Her mother was so impressed with the services at KHC that she now brings the rest of her family here when they are sick.
Maternity services at the Kristina Health Centre include antenatal and postnatal care, ultrasound services and dedicated midwives to assist with birth.
We continue to build our Maternity Ward to bring emergency maternity services to the women of northern Uganda.
We’re building our impact.
We’ve come so far, but there’s so much more we want to do. To be a part of the KHC’s journey to becoming a level 4 clinic offering comprehensive care on-site and through outreach, consider giving a regular gift.

Support KHC.
Interested in helping the women and children of northern Uganda access life-saving healthcare? Want to be a part of our big vision for the KHC’s future? Consider giving now to expand our impact.
You have the chance to make a huge difference in Uganda. Here are some ways your support can expand our impact:
$30 a month
will fund 12 women in our Cents for Seeds program
A $5000 gift
will fund entire clinic operations for one month
can reduce administration costs and maximize our impact in Uganda